Physical store

Galeria Handlowa Nowy Turzyn
Aleja Bohaterów Warszawy 40
Lokal 2F1, piętro 2
70-342 Szczecin

MON - FRI: 9.30 - 17.30
SAT: 10.00 - 16.00
SUN: closed
Pickup of orders is possible from Monday
to Friday 10:00-17:00 and Saturday
between 10:30-15:30.

Opening a new shop? Let's work together!
This is an offer for all entrepreneurs who want to open a stationary store or already have one and are looking for a partner with a known and strong brand. By running the Ground Game Shop, you will spread your wings - you will take advantage of our knowledge and experience and provide your customers with a complete range of combat sports equipment and sportswear. If you are interested, please contact us.
years on the market
distribution countries
20 000+
satisfied customers
Need more info? Contact us!
Krzysiek will provide you with the details of the offer and will answer all questions related to wholesale orders.